1 Rack Unit
1.75" X 19"
2 Rack Units
3.5" X 19"
3 Rack Units
5.25" X 19"
4 Rack Units
7" X 19"
5 Rack Units
8.75" X 19"
6 Rack Units
10.5" X 19"

All the above prices are a monthly recurring charge.

Pay for a year in advance and get 20% off!

What's Included

One IP address per Server
Server & Bandwidth Monitoring
Free Server Reboots Anytime
24/7 Availablity

Extra Services and fees

Set up fee - $100
Bandwidth - $5 per gigabyte
Prepaid Bandwidth - $180 Mb/s
Programming & Consultation - $120 per hour
IP Subnet allocation - call for info!

Call 1-512-775-1286 to have your server or network co-located today!